the cancerology data platform
Within the framework of this public-private partnership, the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) has the mission of creating a multimodal database, unique in the world and open to all : the Cancer Data Platform.
The purpose of this platform is to collect and process data on people at risk or suffering from cancer. It currently contains an extraction form the French National Health Data System (SNDS), supplemented by data from epidemiological cancer registries and regional screening coordination centers.
The ambition for the next five years is to enrich this database with new types of data, in particular by adding :
- Data from molecular genetic test report
- Data from Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MTM) forms
- Data from Personalized Care Program (PCP) forms
- Data from Anatomo-cytopathological reports
INCa’s Cancer Data Platform is the first multimodal databases that enables the conduct of Cancer data Reuse Projects.
At the end, its diversity in terms of data typologie will make it unique in the world and will allow to address even more innovatives questions.