The Artificial Intelligence & Cancers Association and the Commitment of its Administrators: Interview with Golriz Pahlavan, Medical Director – MSD France

For this sixth interview, we present to you Golriz Pahlavan, Medical Director at MSD France, who will answer our three questions. You will discover why this laboratory, which is currently investing in vaccinology and specialty products such as infectious diseases, HIV, immunology, and oncology, has decided to support this Association project.

The Artificial Intelligence & Cancers Association and the commitment of its administrators: Interview with Nuria Perez-Cullell, Medical Director, Patient Consumer – Pierre Fabre Laboratories

For this fifth interview, we are pleased to introduce Nuria Perez-Cullell, Medical Director, Patient Consumer, of Pierre Fabre Laboratories, who will answer our three questions. You will discover why this pharmaceutical group, a strong partner in innovation in France and committed to public health issues, has decided to join the Filière project.  

The Artificial Intelligence & Cancers Association and the commitment of its administrators: Interview with Olivier Perche, Head of Public Affairs and Market Access – Roche Diagnostics

For this new interview, we will introduce you to Olivier Perche, Head of Public Affairs and Market Access at Roche Diagnostics, who will answer our three questions. You will discover why this healthcare group, present throughout the patient’s journey and the entire healthcare continuum through its pharmaceutical and diagnostic activities, has decided to engage with […]

Frédéric Collet élu président de l’association “Filière Intelligence Artificielle et Cancers”

Le conseil d’administration réuni le 24 Janvier a élu Frédéric Collet Président de l’Association “Filière Intelligence artificielle et Cancers”. Ancien président du Leem (syndicat des entreprises du médicament) et de Novartis France, Frédéric est un expert des enjeux de santé et de leur évolution, il a conduit des transformations stratégiques, économiques, politiques, organisationnelles et humaines […]